
Friday, July 11, 2014

LeBron Returns to Cleveland: Life Lesson from This

Lebron James decided to return to the Cleveland Cavaliers.  If Cleveland is more important to him than winning another championship, that would be the right choice.  If winning another championship is more important for him, I would say that his chances of doing so in Miami are better (despite Miami’s loss this year).  The high performance battleship that is the Miami Heat will need to be rebuilt after these major parts (LeBron and possibly others) are gone.  (So, Miami will probably not win another championship any time soon.)  However, as long as Spoestra and Riley are the head engineer and captain, they can rebuild it into a ship just as good and possibly even better, in time.

Many endeavors in life are like the goal of winning a championship.  You need to build a vehicle (a high performance one) to get you there.  It will take time, hardwork, and collective effort.  It’s never only about just one star player (as good and essential as he may be).  Although they are pivotal to the success of a team, they are replaceable.  Although it may take some time to find the right stars, there are plenty of stars in the sky.  Nonetheless, it will take some time (and the right coaches and/or leaders) to get the potential stars to shine to their maximum brightness.  Kawhi Leonard, this year's MVP of the Spurs, is the perfect case and point.  This young star is shining so brightly because of all the mentors and coaches around him, in addition being on the right ship (for him and the right culture of that ship/team.)

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