
Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Driving, Cell Phones, and Texting

The following article is a must-read for everyone who drives (especially teenagers).

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Monday, December 28, 2009


When I was teaching a student a few weeks ago, I mentioned something God has been teaching me regarding following your calling and getting on the path in life designated for you. My student excitedly responded, “That sounds like Heroes?”

“Heroes?” I asked.

“The TV show Heroes,” she clarified.

Since then, I didn’t think much about the it until yesterday when I saw a commercial about the show Heroes. In the commercial, the narrator briefly mention that each person (or each hero) has his/her special abilities. However, each one alone cannot serve the ultimate purpose. The ultimate purpose or the greater good is served only when they are together as a whole. The screen showed each hero as a puzzle piece.

"Alone, we are insignificant. But when the pieces come together, we all serve a purpose."

I’m now thinking, the writer of this story probably has some spiritual understanding to include these important lessons into the story. I have never watched even one episode of this show, but I will probably check it out when I get the chance.

I found the link to some full episodes of Heroes at but I won't have a chance to watch any until later. I also noticed that it's on its fourth season already. Is there any background information I need to know, from the first 3 seasons I've missed.

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Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Dealing with People at Work

From an email, a woman was having trouble with the behavior of her colleagues at work and the injustice she’s experiencing there. Her sister advised her to help others without expecting anything in return. One reason for this is to avoid being disappointed while still being "the light".

I think the sister is right. Be the light and eventually, the other people will come around. Even if they don’t, that shouldn’t affect you so much.

We have to decide beforehand the person we want to be. Once we’ve decided, no matter what others do, they will not change us. The best example of being the light is Jesus. In a room of darkness, just one light going on will eliminate the darkness in the room. We could be that light.

Even non-Christians have found this to be effective. One famous example is Gandhi. When injustices occur inflicted by people in the world, they will not change us. Needless to say, this is even more possible to do when we are connected to God.

I could only explain things from the perspective of a follower of Christ. However, even non-Christians can benefit from such a perspective (as certain teachers of "universal spirituality" have extracted teachings from Christ (Marianne Williamson and Oprah Winfrey to name two). But they took teachings from the teachings of Christ and of the Bible, without crediting them.

Again, it’s easier to do when having a connection with God.

Also, there’s another part to this. Jesus taught his disciples to be innocent as doves (or to be the light), but be as shrewd as snakes. (Matthew 10) We have to be on guard too. It’s finding the balance between being the light, while being on guard. As Jesus told us, “I am sending you like sheep among wolves.”

Also, don’t let certain little things people do bother you. As Dr. Deepak Chopra teaches, it’s the interpretation of certain things that kills you (or affects your physical health).

In summary, decide beforehand to be the person you want to be (to be like Christ, for me) and let not other people or their actions change that. Be the light (and it requires endurance), but also be shrewd (or on guard).

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Saturday, December 5, 2009

Crisis = Danger + Opportunity

I’ve just realized something remarkable. The word “crisis” in Chinese, 危機, is literally translated as “danger” + “opportunity.” This is completely consistent with what God has been teaching me, as I’ve taught in my previous blog at about how crisis, or a situation of uncertainty, can be turned into an opportunity.

It’s amazing how the ancient Chinese thousands of years ago, in a land about 10,000 miles from where I am now, learn the same truth. I learn the truth from God, wherever and whenever. Wherever you are and whenever in history you are living, truth is truth. Truth is timeless and not bound by location.

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Monday, November 30, 2009

Put on the Armor to Handle Crises

In life, you have (metaphorically speaking) sunny days, rainy days, and hurricanes. You must ask yourself: Are you prepared for the hurricanes, or the heavy storms? Are you prepared for the major crises? For some of you, you may already have gone through a major crisis.

I’ve mentioned in my writings my personal health crisis of 2004, when I was facing disability and a body part was hideous looking at the time. I did not know if I was going to become legally disabled. I am thankful to God that I am not legally disabled, and I now am looking normal.

One very important factor in this positive outcome is putting on the “armor” of God before the crisis and throughout the crisis. (Ephesians 6) Let me use the analogy of military armors and weaponry in medieval times. The knights in those times wore armors and carried weaponry that requires training (since they are quite heavy). A trained knight could be very effective and deadly with his armor and weaponry.

Let’s also use the modern day armored tank and the fighter jet as an analogy. Before one can effectively use an armored tank or a fighter jet, you must be very well trained to fly the jet or steer the tank into the crisis zones. Otherwise, they would be quite useless to you (although they are very effective for trained pilots.)
Such is also true with the armor of God. Before you enter the inevitable crises or storms in life, hopefully you’ve put on the armor of God and have been trained.

What is the armor of God? Simply put, it’s the teachings of God (through the Bible, through your relationship/connection with God, through life’s experiences God allows you to have, and through the Word.)

The outcome of my crisis back in 2004 would not have been so good if the armor of God had not been introduced to me beforehand. You see, I have sought out knowledge from God and a relationship with God before the crisis. When the crisis hit, I was glad that I had certain knowledge and wisdom. Without them, I would probably be legally disabled right now. (In that specific crisis, “the knowledge” included spiritual knowledge and medical knowledge that God had provided me beforehand.)

The main point of today’s message is: Put on the armor of God and be trained in it. Seek knowledge and wisdom from God (through the Bible first and foremost.) Seek a relationship with God (through daily prayer and connect with true Christians.) You need to do this before you go through a crisis. If you are already going through a crisis right now, you need to do this even more so. God can provide you with the spiritual knowledge, medical knowledge, financial knowledge, or whatever knowledge and wisdom is necessary, but only if you are opened to Him. If you are not opened to receive from Him, you will not receive. So, don't blame God if you are not opened to receive.

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Monday, September 21, 2009

Health Care Reform Summary and Updates

Summary of Possible Revisions to Obama’s Healthcare Reform (September 2009)
Nothing is completely certain at this point as there are several bills in the Senate and the House. At the end, they will have to be worked out, into one bill for the President to sign. Right now, it looks like Baucus' Bill will have a major influence, although Republicans as well as liberal Democrats are dissatisfied. More changes/compromises are bound to be made.

The Public Insurance Option
It looks unlikely at this point that the public option (the government-run insurance option) will stay. However, nothing can be completely certain at this point. There may still be a coop (non-profit) insurance option instead of a public option (obviously as a compromise with all those who’ve bought into the fear of “social medicine” with a public option.)

Raising Taxes
Obama promises not to raise taxes on families making under $250,000 per year. However, it is still uncertain whether he would raise taxes if he would raise taxes at income levels above $250,000

The cost if we go with the Baucus Plan will be under $800 billion over ten years. (My analysis: Although $800 billion over ten years seem like a huge cost, our current health care and health insurance system in this country is costing us more than that, and will cost us more than that as healthcare costs from our current system will continue to grow. As we in the 21st century compete globally (individuals for jobs as jobs are being shipped out abroad and corporations like GM competes with Japanese car makers, to name a few examples), the cost of not passing health care reform is much greater than $800 billion to U.S. citizens, U.S. corporations, and the entire United States of America.)

Other Provisions from Previous Summary
The other provisions from my summary (in my published article at the end of August) are likely to stay (when health care reform passes.) No one can be certain the exact form the final bill will look like, as many bills in the House and the Senate will have to be worked out (merged.) It’s a complicated process.

Summary of Obama’s Healthcare Reform as of August 2009 (from an article I've written for Bay Currents Newspaper)

Public Health Insurance
This government-run health insurance (funded by premiums) would be available to compete with existing private health insurance companies. Affordability credits will be available on a sliding scale system. (Affordability credits financially help those who can’t afford to pay for health insurance. The lower your income, the more affordability credits you would have.)
[As of September 2009, it seems that the public health option will likely be eliminated. It may possibly be replaced by a co-op option (non-profit organizations providing health insurance to compete with private health insurance companies.)]

Health Insurance Exchange
This would be a marketplace for individuals and small businesses to compare and shop for health insurance. There would be mechanisms here for consumer protection and fraud prevention. This is also where affordability credits would be administered.

Elimination of Discriminatory Practices Based on Health Condition
It would be illegal for insurance companies to exclude anyone from starting or renewing coverage because of a pre-existing condition.
[This apparently indisputable provision received applause from Republicans and Democrats. Therefore, it will likely stay. However, politicians (backed by special interests) who secretly want to exclude this item are trying to derail the whole health care reform (because they can't justifiably oppose this provision.)]

Prevention of Bankruptcy from Medical Expenses for Individuals
Insurers would no longer be allowed to put a cap on the amount of benefits received by an individual. However, there would be a cap on out-of-pocket medical expenses by an individual.
[This apparently indisputable provision received applause from Republicans and Democrats. Therefore, it will likely stay. However, politicians (backed by special interests) who secretly want to exclude this item are trying to derail the whole health care reform, using fear tactics as we've seen.]

Improving Medicaid and Medicare
Health care provider participation in Medicaid and Medicare would be increased, improving access to care for low-income families, the disabled, and the mentally ill. To do so, there would be increases in reimbursement rates for primary care services. The Medicare “donut hole” -- the coverage gap by which Medicare recipients have to pay for their medication for a brief period -- would be eliminated.

Investing in the Medical Workforce
To prevent a shortage of doctors and health care professionals due to an increased number of Americans being covered, more scholarships and loans would be made available for people entering various medical professions. There would also be an expansion and improvement of graduate medical education and medical training.

This has been mostly a factual summary, with my analysis/informed-opinion in brackets [] or parantheses (). More on my personal thoughts about health care reform at from my personal experiences with healthcare and having interviewed many others (for two published articles.)

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Copyright: © 2009, This document is the sole property of Amadeo Constanzo. You may use this article for your web site, blog, or e-zine only if you include the following statement and web link- "Amadeo Constanzo is a leading spiritual nutrition and health expert. Free teachings from him can be found at and". You automatically have permission to post this article if you include the above statement. Otherwise, permission requests could be sent to

Shu Chan

Monday, September 14, 2009

Inappropriate Behavior - Kanye, Joe Wilson, Serena

Inappropriate or unacceptable behavior will cost you, as Kanye will learn. Serena Williams and Joe Wilson have already learned.

Many of you may have seen Kanye West’s unacceptable behavior in last night’s VMA awards when he got on stage when Taylor Swift was accepting her award. See the video here for yourself. (You may have to wait through a few seconds of commercial.)

As you can see, he took the microphone from Taylor Swift and said something implying that Beyonce should’ve won the award instead. The young Taylor Swift was left there just stunned. Why would you take a moment away from a young teenage singer in a nationally televised award show? It’s just unacceptable behavior. Although it may not have fully hit Kanye’s pocketbook yet, I believe it will. His popularity (if he ever had it) has been hit hard after this incident, as many in social networks online and blogs have already written hateful comments about Kanye West.

On Saturday, Serena Williams’ lashed out at an official during a match.

The official, the target of Ms. Williams' outburst, is off-screen to the right. Even if you disagree with the call, why would you lash out at an official like that? That’s inappropriate and unacceptable. Serena Williams’ outburst cost her the match, and a $10,000 fine.

On Thursday, we had Joe Wilson yelling out “you lie” in the middle of the President’s address in front of Congress. Notice that Mr. Wilson was booed from both sides (Republicans and Democrats.)

Now, with every organization or every environment, there are just certain codes of conduct (written or unwritten). This is true with most work places. This is also true with Congress (and that work place rightfully has a higher standard). One thing you would never do is yell out disrespectfully at the President during a presidential address within the chambers of Congress. It is outrageous behavior unheard of.

After Mr. Wilson's outburst, his political opponent gained $500,000 more than him in campaign contributions, overnight. (Approximately, $1,100,000 poured into his opponent's campaign within 24 hours.) Also, many in Congress are considering disciplinary action against Mr. Wilson. Unacceptable behavior will cost you.

Although these cases of unacceptable behavior are rare, it does happen and I've experienced inappropriate behavior by students at the community college where I teach some labs (workshops), but such occurences are very rare. These few students eventually paid the price. If we’ve only learned one thing, it is this – inappropriate behavior will cost you eventually, if not immediately.

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Thursday, September 10, 2009

How Healthcare Reform May Affect You and Your Bank

There are certain things that are still unclear about Obama's health reform such as whether there would be a public health insurance provision, co-op, or a trigger mechanism for either one. (The uncertainty is due to having to change certain items and details to compromise with the Republicans, blue-dog Democrats, and liberal Democrats. It's tough to try to satisfy all sides.) However, there are two items on the bill that all sides (the right, the left, and the middle) stood up to approvingly clap during President Obama’s speech in front of Congress last night. The undisputed two items that I am quite sure would not change in the bill when it’s passed are:

• Elimination of Discriminatory Practices Based on Health Condition
It would be illegal for insurance companies to exclude anyone from starting or renewing coverage because of a pre-existing condition.

• Prevention of Bankruptcy from Medical Expenses for Individuals
Insurers would no longer be allowed to put a cap on the amount of benefits received by an individual. However, there would be a cap on out-of-pocket medical expenses by an individual.

It would be unthinkable for any Congressman to dispute these two items, unless they want to appear impious. However, those Congressman who are influenced by the private health insurance industry would just try to throw out the whole proposed-bill (including these two items) or they would try to delay the process. (They know that, historically, any long delay of health reform destroys any chance of it. This was true with President Clinton and previous presidents who had made the effort.) The private health insurance industry and the influential people they back (politicians, the media, some bloggers, and others) are likely the source of all the mis-information in the last few months that are compromising our chance of reforming healthcare.

Even if you have health insurance (from your job or from purchasing on your own), not having these two proposed terms (and others) signed into law may affect you or someone you love. Many have faced bankruptcy when they came down with a disease, even when they had health insurance from their job. There are lots of problems with our current system, or the current status quo, but most of us don’t see it until something major goes wrong with our health. I didn’t see it until I faced my own health crisis in 2004, and I had probably the best health insurance benefits in the state of California, being employed by the University of California. Chances are, your current health insurance is not better than the ones offered by the University of California to their professors and employees. You are therefore even more vulnerable than I was, although you won’t really know it until you are hit by a health crisis – the perfect storm.

You may find my article about Obama’s health care reform including a summary of the proposed bills at the right page of:

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Thursday, September 3, 2009

I Look to You

There are days when you will need someone to look to. I recommend looking to God. If you've ever gone through those days (or months, or even years) or are going through those days right now, here's a song for you.

After giving it my all, who do I look to?
I look to you, God.

After all that I’ve been through, who do I turn to?
I turn to you, God.

After all my strength is gone, who do I look to?
I look to you, God.

And when melodies are gone
In you I hear a song.

After losing my breath
There’s no more fighting left
Sinking to rise no more
Searching for that open door…

I look to you.

Feel free to contact me if you want to talk. (Click my profile for my contact information.)

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Friday, August 28, 2009

Do Your Possessions Possess You?

Let's start with quotes from two people who learned very important lessons when they were facing death.

"I don't know what spiritual development really means. But I do know we're deficient in some way. We are too involved in materialistic things, and they don't satisfy us. The loving relationships we have, the universe around us, we take these things for granted" -Morrie Schwartz (an agnostic and a sociology professor)

"Whether the subject is bike racing, or cancer, or just living, comfort only takes us to a point that's known. Since when did sheets with the right thread counts, a coffeemaker, and an electric toothbrush become the only things worth having or working toward? Too often, comfort gets in the way of inner reckonings." -Lance Armstrong (an agnostic, cancer survivor, and 7-time Tour de France winner)

Here are two men with their new found wisdom while they were facing death. Not surprisingly, they echoed what the bible has been teaching us all along about the folly of putting too much focus and time on materialism (apparent in our "bling-bling" pop culture.) See Luke 12:16-21.

Don't get me wrong. I do realize there are some real necessities in materials like food, clothing, and shelter. I even think that it is necessary to maintain a certain level of appearance (because we have to make our "temple of God" presentable). However, many of us in our pop culture go overboard in our excessive spending on our appearances, on decorating our houses, and on "souping" up our cars. Our obsessions have gone way beyond necessity. Our obsessions with luxury are causing our miseries, as demonstrated from the following excerpt from Peace Pilgrim's teachings.
I remember a dear lady, who was up in years. She was working so hard and always complaining. I finally said to her, "Why in the world do you need to work so hard when you have only yourself to support?" And she said "Oh, I have to pay rent on a five room house." "A five room house!" I replied. "But you're alone in the world. Couldn't you live happily in one room?" "Oh yes," she said sadly, "but I have furniture for a five room house." She was actually working her fingers to the bone to provide a proper home for that furniture! And that happens all the time. All I can say is, don't let it happen to you.
Because of our preoccupation with materialism, we often miss the best things in life, which are free. Unnecessary possessions are unnecessary burdens. If you have them, you have to take care of them.
I'll tell you about one more woman. She was liberated, although not in the best possible way. I saw her only occasionally, but I happened to see her about a month after her huge house, in which she and her husband had been living alone since the children were grown, had burned down while they'd been out. They lost everything except the clothes they were wearing. Remembering how attached she had been to that huge house, in spite of the fact that it was such a burden for her to take care of, I started to say a few words of sympathy. But she said, "Don't sympathize with me! Now, you could have the morning after, but not now. Just think, I will never have to clean out that attic. I will never have to clean out those clothes closets. I will never have to clean that basement! Why, I've never felt so free. I just feel I'm starting life all over again!"
She and her husband were living in a sensible size apartment and, indeed, I'm sure they did experience a wonderful sense of freedom. But wouldn't it have been better if they had learned to give and had extended their surplus towards those who needed it? Then they would have been blessed by the giving, and others would have been blessed by the getting. In any case, it was a situation which liberated. (Peace Pilgrim)

If you have enough for food, if you have housing, if you have enough for clothing, if you have enough for a certain level of freedom in transportation, if you have enough money or insurance for unforeseen conditions or illnesses, and if you have enough for the basic survival necessities, you are fine and be grateful for all these things. On the other hand, it is not necessary to drive a Mercedes instead of a Honda. (That extra money you spend on a Mercedes could've been partly invested in funds to generate passive income to cover more necessary expenses and partly donated to the needy.) It is not necessary buy brand name clothing when there are a lot of beautiful clothes available for 1/3 of the price. (If you ever see me in brand name clothing by the way, they were gifts from others. The last time I bought a brand name anything was probably more than eight years ago and the price must've been drastically cut.)
I am not a slave to comfort and convenience. I wouldn't be a pilgrim if I were. We can allow false beliefs to govern our lives and be enslaved by them. Most people do not wish to be free. They would prefer to moan and chafe about how impossible it is to give up their various enslavements to possessions, food, drink, smoking, and so forth. It is not that they can't give them up--they don't really want to give them up. (Peace Pilgrim)

If I am to sum up this message in one sentence, it is this. Don't let your possessions possess you.
"I realize that if you don't have enough you won't be happy. Neither are you happy if you have too much. It is those who have enough but not too much who are the happiest." –Peace Pilgrim
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Copyright: © 2006, 2009, This document is the sole property of Amadeo Constanzo. You may use this article for your web site, blog, or e-zine only if you include the following statement and web link- "Amadeo Constanzo is a leading spiritual nutrition and health expert. Free teachings from him can be found at and". You automatically have permission to post this article if you include the above statement. Otherwise, permission requests could be sent to

Shu Chan 陳樹中

Friday, August 21, 2009

Facing Uncertainties (Part 4) - Harnessing the Power of Your Mind and Spirit

“After continuous intention, visualization, and prayer, the “how” will come, and it will be done.” - Shu Chan

Now that you have some understanding of the power of your mind from , I am going to teach you one simple daily practice to harness that power. Some people neglect strategies that work only because they are simple. Sometimes, the most simple is the most effective.

The practice of SMP-walking is simple. SMP stands for Spiritual-Mental-Physical. You are not only walking physically, but you are walking your mind and your spirit. This practice did not really originate with me. I merely took the practices from people who are successful at harnessing the power of their minds, and altered them to what works for me, and combined it with my spiritual knowledge (as God has been teaching me.)

I first began to practice SMP-walking when I was in the midst of a storm, my health crisis of 2004, where I was facing the possibility of becoming legally disabled (with many rare complications and five surgeries to keep me from becoming legally disabled.) Thanks to God for the knowledge and guidance, I did not become disabled. Some of you may be in similar “uncertain” situations or know someone who is. It may be a health crisis, it may be a financial crisis, or it may be another type of “uncertain” situation. Whatever it is, the simple practice of SMP-walking to harness the power of your mind and spirit will make a huge difference in the outcome of the situation (since you are engaging the power of your mind and spirit while connecting more closely to God.

SMP-Walk Procedures
Find a safe place to walk (whether it is around the block or the park) at a safe time of the day. You could also be doing this with a partner or in a small group, but you shouldn’t be talking to each other during the walk. You should be in your own mental state. However, after the walk is over, you could share what went on in your mind with your partner or your group. (Also, if it is safe to do so, you could use your iPod and play some serene music while you walk.)

SMP-walk could last 15 minutes or it could last an hour, whatever you have time for. You should try to do it daily. It only works when it is practiced consistently. (It’s like exercising. You don’t just work out once and you become fit for life. You won’t reap any benefits if you only do it once or twice. You have to do it consistently for continuous health benefits. The same is true with this exercise of the mind and spirit.)

If you can’t yet find a safe place to walk, you can do this in a quiet room (without distractions). You could sit in place, stand in place, walk around the room, or ride on your stationary bike.

(1) Walk and breathe. Start with relaxation breathing while you walk. (Again, you could be on the stationary bike or the elliptical trainer instead of walking.) I like to count from 1 -10 repeatedly when I do this. I also add a prayer here.

(2) Affirmations. While continuing the same breathing pattern and walking, start saying, or affirming, to yourself the outcome that you want. For example, if you are going through a health crisis, say to yourself, “Everyday and every way, I am getting better and better” and “Every day and every way I am feeling better and better.” While you say this repeatedly to yourself, you should visualize how you will look like when you get better. Feel how you will feel when you get better. You could also remember how you felt when your physical health was at the best condition and feeling well. (This is especially effective for conditions involving pain.) If you have a situation with work, finance, or relationships, you could also come up with an affirmation to say to yourself and visualize/feel the desired outcome and state.

(3) Thank God in Prayer. Thank God in your mind for the things you have in your life. (Shift your mind on the part of your life that is going wrong to the parts that are going right.) Thank God for these parts of your life that you may have taken for granted. You could be thankful that you are not starving as more than half the world is. You could be thankful that you have a secure roof over your head. There are a lot of things that we take for granted that we should be thankful for. (Think of each of these things and visualize them in your mind while you thank God for them.) The second part of this is to thank God for the things that He is about to grant you. Thank God for your desired outcome even though you have not yet reached the outcome at this point (whatever your situation is.) For example, if you are facing cancer right now, thank God for the healthy cancer-free body you will achieve. (Visualize yourself in the cancer-free state and feel it, even if it has not yet manifested.)

(4) Forgive and Love. Whoever you are mad at, whoever has done you wrong no matter how great or small, forgive them right now in your mind and in your heart. Say to yourself here, “Just as God has forgiven me for my trespasses great and small, I forgive _______ .” Say this for each person who’s done you wrong. You must mean it in your heart as you say this to yourself. (This is especially important in physical healing but also important in altering other situations. I will explain this in another blog.) Now, pray for yourself and pray for these people you are forgiving. I know forgiving is sometimes hard to do. For help with this, go to –

For part 4 where I teach you how to do SpirFit Walk to harness the power of your mind, go to:

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Copyright: © 2009, This document is the sole property of Amadeo Constanzo. You may use this article for your web site, blog, or e-zine only if you include the following statement and web link- "Amadeo Constanzo is a leading spiritual nutrition and health expert. Free teachings from him can be found at and". You automatically have permission to post this article if you include the above statement. Otherwise, permission requests could be sent to

Shu Chan 陳樹中

Monday, August 10, 2009

Facing Uncertainties (Part 3) - Understanding the Power of Your Mind

Whatever uncertain circumstance you may be facing (now or in the future), one of the most important lessons about yourself is the power of your mind. Having this understanding makes a huge difference in the outcome of your difficult situation. This is especially true for health, or physical, conditions.

Our minds are much more powerful than most of us realize. This can be demonstrated by a concept frequently taught in undergraduate psychology courses where a picture of an iceberg is shown. The tip of the iceberg (or 10% of the iceberg) is seen above the water level. However, most people don't see 90% of the iceberg under water. Just like the iceberg, only a small portion of the mind's capabilities are seen or known to man. As much as I am amazingly discovering more of the mind's capability throughout the years, that unseen 90% of the capabilities of the mind is likely to be way beyond what I know.

In addition to this iceberg analogy, let me provide you with a real life demonstration of the amazing (but little-known) power of the mind. For a long time prior to the 1980's, a number of travelers reported that they witnessed a group of Tibetan monks in a remote part of the world in the Himalayas and how these monks were able to use their minds to achieve feats with their bodies that we would think impossible. They were reported to have the ability to significantly raise their body temperature, so much that they can dry ice-cold wet towels on their bare backs. In addition, they were able to survive subzero temperature up in the mountains wearing barely anything.

For many in the West who've heard about these monks, they skeptically concluded that it's not possible. However, teams of scientists, medical professors, and documentary film crews traveled there in the 80’s to see if the monks can really do what witnesses had reported and if true, to document what they find. Here's what they observed, documented, and verified with scientific instrumentation.

One of the common practices of these monks (as documented by the teams of scientific researchers and film crews) is the practice of soaking towels in buckets of ice-cold water and placing them on their bare backs. With the ice-cold towels on their skin, they would sit quietly and use their minds to raise their body temperature. Within approximately 20 minutes, the wet towels on their backs started steaming. In a little over an hour, the sheets became completely dry.

In some of the coldest nights of the year, the monks have a frequent practice that would kill most of us. As witnessed and documented by the researchers, these monks went up to a high point of the Himalayas not wearing much. Again, they would use their minds to raise their body temperature and stay there overnight in sub-zero temperature. They did not even quiver while the team of researchers and film crew were all bundled up with layers of coats and blankets trying to survive the freezing temperature and prevent frost-bite. In the morning, the monks nonchalantly stood up and walked back down the mountain (while the struggling team of Westerners were finally relieved.)

To ascertain that the monks temperature raising abilities are real, the scientists connected measuring equipment, for gauging body temperature, to the monks while the monks performed their mental practices. Sure enough, the equipment showed significant increase in body temperature.

The monks’ remarkable abilities to raise their body temperature seem impossible because it is against common “logic” or against anything we previously knew in the natural world. What these monks can do with their minds is part of the 90% of the unknown part of the iceberg (from my previous analogy.) I emphasize the words “small part” of the iceberg, because we and our minds probably have many many more untapped capabilities (in addition to the temperature raising abilities demonstrated by the monks.)

The first step in harnessing this potential power of you mind is KNOWING how powerful it is, and knowing that it’s more powerful than you previously imagined. I brought up the example of the Tibetan monks to demonstrate the point that we must be open to know that our minds can go beyond the limits that we previously knew.

In part 4 of this series, I will teach you a simple practice, SpirFit walking, to harness more of the power of your mind.  To find part 4, go to:

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Copyright: © 2007, 2009, This document is the sole property of Amadeo Constanzo. You may use this article for your web site, blog, or e-zine only if you include the following statement and web link- "Amadeo Constanzo is a leading spiritual nutrition and health expert. Free teachings from him can be found at and". You automatically have permission to post this article if you include the above statement. Otherwise, permission requests could be sent to

Shu Chan 陳樹中

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Frustrations on the Road

More than a few of you have mentioned to me about the frustrations you have when driving on the road. So, I thought I would give you a different perspective that will help you deal with road frustrations or road rage. It is not only my perspective, but I draw from wise men and other sources of wisdom (sent my way by God.)

"Do you know what I do? When someone wants to get ahead of me in traffic –when I used to be able to drive- I would raise my hand… I would raise my hand, as if I was going to make a negative gesture, and then I would wave and smile. Instead of giving them the finger, you let them go, and you smile. You know what? A lot of times they smiled back. The truth is, I don't have to be in that much of a hurry with my car. I would rather put my energies into people." -Professor Morrie Schwartz (in Tuesdays with Morrie by Mitch Albom.)

Although Morrie wasn't Christian, this is a Christ-like quality he had. He shone light in situations of darkness, and spread the light to others. This was what Jesus taught and was how Jesus lived. When you shine a light on the darkness of others, the darkness disappears. When you wave and smile (an action of the light) rather than give the finger (an action of darkness), the others are more likely to wave back. I believe we've all experienced this when we smile at someone, they will naturally smile back. When you bring light in the presence of darkness , the darkness cannot remain.

"In the same way, let your light shine before men, that they may see your good deeds and praise your Father in heaven." –Matthew 5:16 (NIV)

There's really no use of getting angry on the road. Your anger will not make the bad drivers drive better (and we all know that "I am always the good driver. I've never made a driving mistake in my life. It's everybody else who are the bad drivers.") Instead, your anger will make the situation more dangerous for you, for them, and for everyone else on the road.

"So that little old lady who's driving in front of you at 20 miles per hour with that 1976 Cadillac (cream colored). You've all seen her. She's everywhere… She could hardly see over her steering wheel. And she signed an oath…that she will drive aimlessly around… testing your ability to deal with her. She's like a test. She's like a gift from God. Once you stop being mad at her for being what she is or who she is and what she's about…when you stop the anger and bitterness at who she is, and understand that SHE'S EXACTLY WHERE SHE'S SUPPOSED TO BE. And she's there to teach you a very important lesson: slow down. You have to. Relax. DON'T GIVE HER CONTROL OVER THE [GODLY] PART OF YOU ... It's still there, and it's yours. It's really what constitutes your entire humanity. Don't give it away. Think of yourself as connected to [God and all His creations] and a part of it all, rather than [as] someone who is victimized, or slowed down, or abused by, or "here it happens again". It's all part of the perfection of it all. That's a very nice enlightening place to get to. It really slows you down, and it doesn't take away your ability to make choices. It takes away your WANTING THE WORLD AS YOU WANT IT TO BE instead of as IT IS. That's what defines "neurotic". That's what "neurotic" really means: to be wanting the world as you are, rather than as it is. [You need to] process it exactly as it is. It's just in how you perceive it and how you choose to process it. If you see everybody as a teacher, then you ask yourself, "What do I have to learn here?" In that second that you're just about to be angry and go around, and maybe… [about to] have a head on collision. Maybe at that moment, that person is there. That person is there to teach you to slow down a little bit." - Dr. Wayne Dyer

The key is to accept the fact that we (humans) all are not perfect, especially in our driving. We have to accept that the slow old lady driver will always be out there. We have to accept the fact that there will always be the "fast and the furious" drivers out there. To make the roads a safer place, we first have to really look OBJECTIVELY and HONESTLY at ourselves to make sure that we are not that slow old lady driver, and also not that "fast and the furious" driver. Secondly, we have to be Jesus-like and accept everyone else for their imperfection (or their imperfect driving). We must compensate for their imperfection with our defensive driving. It would not be wise to feed anger into a dangerous situation when you encounter the "slow old lady" or "the fast and the furious".

A study has been done, where they split drivers into 2 groups. Group A were the "fast and the furious" drivers weaving in and out of lanes to get to their destination as fast as they could. Group B drove at 5-10 mph above speed limit keeping one steady speed. The results of the studies showed that Group A arrived at the destination ONLY 1-3 minutes (average) before group B.

I personally replicated this study when I was living in the Bay Area. I had a friend, Anthony (not his real name). Anthony is the only person I know who always drive at the speed limit. One night, we were both driving from point A (in San Francisco, CA) to point B (in San Leandro, CA). I drove as fast as I could, trying my best to get around cars. When I got to point B, it was LESS THAN ONE MINUTE before Anthony pulled up behind me!

These are facts backed up by studies and by my individual case study. Even though we may FEEL like we are getting to our destination much faster, the fact is that we only get there 1-3 minutes faster when we jet it. Are those 1-3 minutes really worth putting your life at risk and other people's lives at risk? Are those 1-3 minutes really worth raising your stress level and blood pressure (therefore deteriorating your health)?

Driving too slow is also dangerous. Although I brought up the example of my friend Anthony who always drive the speed limit, I do not recommend driving at the speed limit. I believe driving at the speed limit is too slow and therefore dangerous (especially when we know that there will always be someone driving 90mph in a 55mph zone). I think it is best to drive 5 to 10 mph ABOVE THE SPEED LIMIT (in normal dry conditions) and try to keep it steady at that speed (with the exception of freeways with speed limits of 70mph or above. In those cases, I would do just the speed limit or no more than 5 over the speed limit.)

I, of course, am not the perfect driver. So if you see me make a mistake in my driving (if I start driving again), I have a few letters for you: PBPGINFWMY (Please Be Patient, God Is Not Finished With Me Yet).

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Copyright: © 2005, This document is the sole property of Amadeo Constanzo. All copies of this data file must contain the above copyright notice. This document may not be copied in part, edited, revised, copied for resale or incorporated in any publications, recordings, broadcasts, performances, displays, electronic media, online media, or other products, without the written permission of the author. Requests for permission should be made in writing by email to

Sunday, July 26, 2009


by Anne Stortz
from Chicken Soup for the Unsinkable Soul

When all the world is looming dark
And things seem not so clear,
When shadows seem to hover 'round
Lord, may I persevere.

When it seems everything's been tried
And there's no way to go,
Just let me keep remembering
Sometimes the journey's slow.

I may just need to stop and rest
Along the path I trod,
A time to try to understand
And have my talk with God.

As I gain new strength to carry on
Without a doubt or fear,
Somehow I know things will be right,
And so, I persevere.

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Saturday, July 25, 2009

Obama's Health Reforms Can Mean Life or Death

I recently wrote an article about Obama’s health care reform efforts for a local Brooklyn publication. The article should be published in the next week or so. I am limited in what I could write here because they’ve paid me for the first rights to my information in the article.

Because I’ve examined the 1014 page legislation proposed and have written an article about it, I support this health care reform effort pushed by Obama. After the American Medical Association (AMA) reviewed the proposed legislation, they now also support it (which is an 180 degree turn from their original position, and their historical position in opposing previous reform efforts by past presidents).

I also support the current reform efforts because I had personally faced difficulties from the broken health system, and because of insider understanding of certain things when I worked at UCSF (medical school and medical center.) I urge everyone to support H.R. 3200 and Obama’s health care reform efforts, because what happened to me (when I had to deal with the broken health care system) can very well happen to you and to anyone, and it has happened to many in this country and some/many have died or become disabled because of the broken health system. Unfortunately, most people don't really know how bad things are until they actually go through such situations. Don't wait until you are fighting an illness and facing death/disability before you support Obama's health reforms. It would be too late by then. We have a rare window of opportunity to change things now. Don't let it slip. Support Obama's health care reform efforts. Call or write to your senators and congressmen.

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Friday, July 10, 2009

The Confidently Wrong

I am just so sick of people who are “confidently wrong”. From the start, they have the attitude that what they are saying is right. They are very confident in what they know. You being a listener let them finish everything they want to say, to give them a chance to be right. May be if they complete their whole explanation, you will find that they are right. However, after they complete their point, they are still unfortunately dead wrong. (Honestly, I really wish people are right, because I really hate to debate them. Unfortunately, I have too much information/facts (in my head as well as in my computer. That can be a gift, but in these cases it’s a curse.)

Now you (knowing that you have the resources, literature, or documentation to back up what you know) start explaining to them. However, before you even get 10% of your explanation out of your mouth, they cut you off. They don't give you the same respect of finishing your point, the respect that you've given them. They say, “Stop” as if you are being unreasonable, when you spoke for less than a minute after listening to them for five minutes. You just want to presenting information, backed by documented facts that you have, just like you do when you teach a seminar or a class. They cut you off before you can finish, or before you barely started, and they act as if you are being unreasonable. But you barely started your explanation or correction of what they said, although you gave them the benefit of the doubt and allowed them to completely finish their point (even though it ended up to be wrong).

In the end, you try to get your last few words out before they start to get mad, “I have resources to back up what I am saying.” They don't even let you tell them quickly where you obtained your information. They cut you off because they are not interested in seeing the facts, since it conflicts with what they think they know (from a seminar or from reading, in which they misunderstood the teacher or the writer).

I think more people in this society need to understand the importance of knowledge and how to seek knowledge in depth and accurately. It is usually the non-readers and non-seekers of knowledge who are among these “confidently wrong” (although even the knowledgeable sometimes are “confidently wrong” on occasion, usually because of a stronghold on their ego which blindsides them from the facts.)

More people need to embrace the exchange of ideas in a civil manner, which includes listening and allowing both sides of an argument ample time to present their information.

For some reason, I have been coming across people who don’t understand this. However, I don’t tell people this because that doesn’t achieve anything. Also, they’ll say, “You’re a know it all” and put you in the same category among the know-it-alls who do not have the facts to back up what they are saying.

This is why I like science, or at least the part where facts and findings are documented, or published. You have to be objective. If you are right, you have literature to back things up, regardless of your lack of ability to be a politician or debater. This is also why I love to write. In writing, you get to finish all your points without interruption and you present your sources. The wise readers could read what you have and check your sources. The unwise readers can stop reading whenever they want. However, there are usually enough wise and knowledgeable readers out there to recognize the information you are presenting (if they are backed by facts and well thought out).

I think God is trying to remind me or push me by recently bringing me so many incidences of the “confidently wrong.” They are in the family, within my friends, and even among my clients. I think God is really pushing me to get my writing (or the writing portion of my plans/goals) going. The writing portion of my plans has been progressing, but at a crawling speed. (There are many portions/components of my plans but most people don’t understand this, but they will. Unfortunately, people will only understand when the millions of dollars start rolling in. Although I do currently get paid from some of my writings and from teaching/tutoring college students how to write and research, I am still not at the level where I am meant to be yet.)

This entry is somewhat of a rant. However, there is a lesson for us all here. First of all, we all need to listen, and not just speak and cut others off, and not quickly get agitated if you don't agree. Even if you think you are right, let people finish presenting their information before you analyze everything. Then, analyze everything objectively, getting your ego out of the way. As I've written in a previous entry "Is There Room In Your Cup", come with an empty cup. I consciously try to do this (since I probably am also the "confidently wrong" on occasion. I haven't totally rid my ego, which is quite hard to do. But I believe I am on the right track since I am conscious of all of this.) Those who are not conscious of this are more likely to be among the confidently wrong.

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